Charles Glenn Petersen

1962 - Wisconsin Years I

New Job

A year later there was a bump in the road. American Can wanted me to transfer to a paper mill in Naheola, Alabama. Neither Winnie nor I wanted to go and they gave me no choice. I quickly found a job with The Foxboro Company which sold instrumentation to various industries. In many respects it was in a field where I knew what I was doing, except I would be working as a Sales Engineer where sales was not my first choice of a career choice. The advantage was that we could continue to live in our same home and we would get a company car to drive when and wherever we wanted to go.

The job required me to travel a bit but not excessively. My territory was Northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It was an okay job, but my heart was never really in it. The guy that hired me moved up the company chain after only a few months I was on the job. In effect, I lost my sponsor and it was never the same after that.